Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Connecting to the Elemental Realms

Goddess Diana
Diana (Rome)
Diana is a Moon Goddess who helps with fertility and abundance. Diana is associated with bathing and purification. Diana spends time with elementals, and forest and wood nymphs.
She empowers all women, and also helps with Lesbian relationships and rights. She is depicted with the bow & arrow symbolizing female strength and power.
Goddess Maeve
Maeve (Ireland - Queen of the fairies)
A powerful warrior goddess. Maeve is renowned for her healing and manifestation powers.
Maeve is also a fairy queen and land goddess. Call upon Maeve anytime You need guidance about Natural and alternative healing methods.

Oonagh (Ireland – Protector of the fairies)

Oonagh is the goddess of devotion in love relationships, dance, magic and she’s also a fairy queen. She was married to the head of the Tuathas which became leprechauns after the Gaelic invasion.


To all fae bearing winged, air is the element of choice. Every storm and breath of wind is their work, from the tiniest puff to the most terrifying gale.
They often take the shapes of birds, or incorporate aspects of their design into their human forms and are particularly fond of birds' wings. Many speak the language of birds and sometimes teaching human speech to the birds.
Air is a creative force, resulting in their intellectual versatility of air faeries, who work to stimulate inspiration and creativity. Fae who fly are the most evolved of the fae, having incorporating all aspects of the four elements. Wings are symbolic of air, legs of earth, their shimmering qualities of fire, and a shape shifting aspect represents water's fluidity. Added to these four, is the fifth magical element, moonlight.

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